Wednesday, July 18, 2012


We don't know how old our kids are. A supposedly just turned 6 a few days ago, but it's possible he's already 7. D supposedly is about to turn 5, but more likely he just turned 4. Both kids at times act much younger.

Louis CK has some funny things to say about their possible ages (NSFW):



  1. I just found your blog on the blogroll of another adoptive family, and I had to stop by immediately and comment. I cannot tell you how thrilled I am to find a blog written by another non-religious Ethiopian adoptive mother. As soon as I have a chance, I'll have to catch up on all of your posts.

    Also, related to the topic of this particular post, I work with refugee children, and I can't tell you how often I encounter kids with incorrect birthdays. Luckily, it most often hasn't been a big deal. I have been through the process of helping families legally correct ages if you decide that's necessary.

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
      We will probably change their birth dates at some point. We're going to wait to see how they do in school.

  2. Thanks for a badly needed laugh today with the links!

  3. Figuring out age has been one of my biggest regrets/frustrations in the last few years. Love the clips!

  4. I love Louis CK! Thanks for the links.

  5. Oh I am WEEPING. I don't want to, because I am not a fan of using the f word for humor, and I was turned off by the usage of "retarded" but I am still peeing myself with the 5 year old one. So devastatingly funny.

  6. I haven't seen the clips yet, but interested in the age issue. Our doc has kind of questioned the age of our future little one, but more by months than years. Good luck with all of the school prep! :-)

  7. Glad you enjoyed them! Yes, he can be very offensive, but so funny, and so cathartic!

  8. my kids just turned three, like, TODAY, and the three-year-old one just made me weep with laughter. Can't wait to hear the others to warn me what's ahead...!

  9. Holy cow, I'd never run across Louis. LMFAO. Thanks!

  10. Kyra, love the post. We are in the same boat. BC says 7 and 8 but they are likely 6 and 4/5. I am curious. will you start the younger one in kindergarten this fall?

    1. Hi, we're going to start our older son in first grade and keep the younger one home for another year. He's really not ready for kindergarten yet, regardless of his paper age.
