Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

A's list
I am thankful for my brother because he is always willing to play with me and without him I would have to walk in the cold and I would be lonely.
I am thankful for my mom and dad because they take care of me and because they have a house.
I am thankful for education because without it I would get nowhere.

D's list
1. my family
2. my school
3. my friends
4. my house
5. my food
6. my cousins
7. my money
8. my car
9. my toothbrush
10. my clothes
11. There's a park nearby
12. my books

My list
My brother and sister-in-law, for hosting the whole family
Good food
My mom's continued good health at 78 years
Everyone else's good health, aside from lingering foot problems
Annoying each other in predictable, familiar ways. What if my brother wasn't too loud and I wasn't too strict? That would be weird.
5 mile turkey trot, 6 miles two days later
My husband as my new running partner
Football and tacos with friends from Burji
High school friend, in it for the long run

Happy holidays!

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