Thursday, October 3, 2013

Photos at last!

We started trying to send photo albums to a family member in Ethiopia a little over a year ago. It's hard to do, when the person lives three hours from a paved road, has no post office nearby, doesn't have a means of transportation, can't read, doesn't have cell phone reception or a cell phone, and lives in an area where our agency no longer works. We tried a couple of different options, including going through our agency, but were not successful. We call a neighbor in Burjii every few months - we can reach him when he goes to market and is within range of a cell phone tower - and each time the answer has been no, no photo album. Finally a friend was able to work something out and very generously let us add a photo album to hers. Then someone I have only met online got on a motorcycle and drove through flooded roads to deliver the album. Tuesday when I got home from work I checked my email, and there they were, photos of our family member holding pictures of our boys. We are thrilled!


  1. Where there's a will, there's a way. So glad for you.

  2. Jealous. Good work!

  3. I love this! I know it is so important to you, your boys, and your family in Ethiopia. Way to keep at it until it worked!
